For water damaged photographs advice on clean up, storage and restoration is available as well as any concerns you may have about your precious photographs. We cater for insurance claims and give you a precise estimation of the damage and costing of the digital restoration work required.
Immediate Treatment for Salvaging Flood & Water Damaged Photos
Saving Your Photographs Most photos, negatives and coloured slides can be cleaned and air-dried.
Carefully lift the photos from the mud and dirty water or remove from waterlogged albums and carefully separate any that are stacked together. Do not rub or touch the wet emulsion of the surface.
Have several buckets full of water and gently rinse the photo in the bucket (do not swish) up and down several times. Repeat this process in each bucket. Change the water frequently. *Please note historical photos on card backing may be sensitive to this process.
When finished lay each wet photo FACE up on a clean towel or plain white paper towel. Change these as they become wet. Place in an airy position to dry, not in direct sunlight.
Negatives and slides should be hung to dry on a string or line with a plastic peg by the outer edge out of direct sunlight.
If your photographs have stuck together sometimes placing these in a tray of clean water for a few minutes will help. Do not leave for too long.
If you cannot get to the photographs for a few days stack the photos between sheets of wax paper and place in a zip seal bag. Be aware that mould and mildew may form so it is important to get to these as soon a possible.
If framed they need to be removed straight away as they may stick to the glass. If already stuck to the glass you can rinse the photo attached to the glass in water and gently separate. If this cannot be done it is best then to leave (unless very muddy) as sometimes these can still be digitally restored by scanning the image through the glass.
First treat the photos for which you have no other back up i.e. historical photos, no negatives or digital copies or relatives and friends with copies. ALL PHOTOS SHOULD BE HANDLED GENTLY.
Timelens Digital Imaging is experienced in digital restoration of flood and water damaged photo collections. A few examples are below. We care about your precious memories and will always try where others won't. So please don't discard your memories thinking that nothing can be done. There may just be a chance of recovering that special photo.
Some examples of our work
(Click and drag the slider on each image to see the before and after)